Visiting The Ranch
Address: 14709 Co Rd 77, Jefferson, CO
Please note that GPS, Mapquest, Google, etc — ALL provide inaccurate guidance in this area and will take you to the wrong place. It is better to simply follow these written directions to arrive smoothly:
From Colorado Springs:
Drive West on U.S. Hwy 24 — up and thru Woodland Park and over Ute Pass
Just west of Lake George (approx 1/2 mile) – take County Road 77 NORTH towards Tarryall Reservoir
Drive approximately 28 miles to the Eagle Rock Ranch
We are approximately 1 mile NORTH of Tarryall Reservoir – between Mile Marker 15 and 14. Ranch is on “river side” of road – it would be Left if driving NE on CR 77
From Denver:
I-70 Westbound thru Denver (or – if you are in South Denver – head straight for Hwy 285 a/k/a Hampden Avenue – West)
Exit I-70 onto C-470 (the exit sign says to "Colorado Springs”)
Exit C-470 onto US Hwy 285 South (exit sign says to "Fairplay”)
Drive US Hwy 285 South thru Conifer, Bailey, Grant, etc – up and over Kenosha Pass – a very smooth low pass – absolutely NO switchbacks, etc.
At bottom of Kenosha Pass (4 miles from summit) – enter the little town of Jefferson – slow down here – prepare for turn
In Jefferson, take a left (turn SE) onto County Road 77 (sign says to “Tarryall Reservoir”) – you are at Hwy 285 Mile Marker #199 at this point
Follow Mile Markers down County Road 77 – you will pass MM #’s 1, 2, 3, etc. – the Eagle Rock Ranch is 14.7 miles down CR 77 (between MM 14 & MM15) on the right hand side of the road – red & grey buildings, wood “Z” fence – painted bird houses along fence line – big sign that says “Eagle Rock Ranch” – you can’t miss it
(No cell service in the area, so do NOT plan to call or text while coming down CR 77, and cell service along Hwy 285 is spotty)
All roads paved, and in very good shape.
Currently the Eagle Rock Ranch is only open by appointment. If you purchase beef and would like to pick it up at the ranch just let us know and we will accommodate you!
This is a working ranch. Please follow ranch etiquette. "If you open a closed gate to drive in or out (or find it open), please close it (or leave it open, as the case may be) behind you." Your cooperation in this regard is most appreciated.
Please do NOT feed our animals.
Pets, on a leash, are welcome on the ranch. They are not allowed to be off-leash or in the buildings at any time. Dogs will be dogs and can easily frighten or run a young calf to death – even if the dog is well-intentioned and simply looking to play. A mother cow or bull can easily strike out and kill an unleashed pet seeking to play. Please pick up after your pet – it is most appreciated.
We have a "No Smoking" policy throughout the ranch property and unsupervised fires are strictly prohibited.
Vehicle access is limited on the Ranch.
Motorized vehicles are not permitted off established roads.
Please keep vehicle speeds below 10 mph at all times – (5 mph is even better) – "no dust" is the operative standard.
Wheelchair access is limited.
Weather conditions can vary dramatically – please consider bringing jackets, gloves, sunglasses, and hats to ensure your comfort. Sturdy leather boots or shoes are always best for your feet!
A working ranch is a wonderful place for children to explore and play, yet there may be certain areas that can be dangerous for them if left unsupervised. Parents – please keep an eye on your children at all times.
Please be aware that there is no cellphone coverage available at the ranch.
Please be aware that emergency medical facilities are approximately one hour drive away (in Woodland Park) and 1-1/2 hour drive to Denver. Be safe!