Corned Beef for the win!
St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with a delicious homemade corned beef? At the Eagle Rock Ranch, we take pride in providing high-quality beef, and our brisket is no exception. Whether you’re a local or ordering online for nationwide shipping, you can enjoy the taste of our ranch in your own home.
Eagle Rock Ranch named "Outstanding Commercial Producer of the Year"
We are both grateful and humbled to be named the 2023 ‘Outstanding Commercial Producer of the Year’ by the Colorado Cattleman’s Association.
Bone Broth
With the winter season in full swing here in the beautiful Colorado mountains, we are constantly reminded of the cozy comforts that come with sipping on a warm, homemade bone broth.
Land Ethic of Eagle Rock Ranch
At the Eagle Rock Ranch, the land, water, soil, and wildlife are our Great Possessions. We understand that in order for this land – this biotic community that calls the Tarryall Valley “home” – we need to focus on the overall health of these Great Possessions.
Branding FAQ
Here at Eagle Rock Ranch, we do a traditional "rope and drag" type of branding. Branding Day is always a momentous day at the ranch. We invite family and friends and take special care of our cattle.
How We Care For Our Cows During Calving Season
We’ve been in full calving mode the last few weeks! It’s been amazing to welcome all these new calves into the world. We are about eighty percent through the process with our herd.
Calving Season: Things to Consider
We have chosen to calve in the Spring / Summer Season here at the ranch, and it has worked well considering our high mountain environment.
From Playing Hockey to Climbing Hay
If you've been with us for awhile, you know that winter and hockey season are synonymous around our house. Hockey has (sadly) come to an end for the season and the kids are anxiously looking forward to their summer gymkhana series with their horses.
Why Did We Send Our Cows to Nebraska For the Winter?
Sending our cattle from Jefferson, Colorado to Nebraska was a great decision for our family and provided a variety of nutrients for our cows because of feeding on corn stalks.
2 Step Calf Weaning
Our mother cows are busy growing their 2021 calves and as a result, their 2020 calves are D-O-N-E. To be honest, we usually wean much sooner than we did this year, but the weather threw us for a loop this last Fall / Winter.